We interview Aaron Long (@aalong64 - Sublo & Tangy Mustard) about his experiences in animation and the animation industry, why the new Godzilla movie is meh, and a reminder that eating babies is morally wrong. Check it out HERE!
Newgrounders Mentioned In This Episode:
@EtherealSnake, @JazLyte, @AndrewOnorato, @DonkeysBazooka, @wavetro, @LazyMuffin, @Enophano, @Cyaboron, @OrphicSow, @WDY25, @Kilcra, @TheRealXenon, @SroSocial, @Rayman-Lee, @CANDYdisturber, @ThePsychoSheep
Special Thanks To Those Who Tuned In On Discord:
@HOTSTUFFDX, @theBEARTRAP, @ninjamuffin99, @Snackers, @irri, @AlbeGian, @HenryEYES, @AgustinGates, @willKMR, @Oddlem
yeah boyee