We talk with ninjamuffin about his rise to super-celebrity as well as some Discord shenanigans. Check it out HERE.
Also, be sure to check out our Discord at https://discord.gg/8DESwHK We're trying to set up a steady schedule for recording, and Saturday seems to be the best date. So tune in to hear us screw up usernames LIVE!
Newgrounders Mentioned In This Episode:
@TomFulp, @EdBound, @meatcanyon (AGAIN!?), @PapaLegba, @TheMarooned, @Dayonder, @BoredKid2471, @JMBPro, @Snackers, @Karsys, @kawaisprite
Discord listeners (thank you bois):
Awww thanks for the shout out dudes! great podcast :))))